
ACF 5.8, a Flood in a Gutenberg Desert

Managing the content body of a website using blocks is generally a good idea, but from the point of view of someone developing larger, very customized projects, where sometimes the administration interface is significantly more complex than the front-end, Gutenberg, for me, is a stunningly bad implementation of that good idea1 The Desert The discussion […]

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Anmut ist die Schönheit der Gestalt unter dem Einfluss der Freiheit; die Schönheit derjenigen Erscheinungen, die die Person bestimmt. Die architektonische Schönheit macht dem Urheber der Natur, Anmut und Grazie machen ihrem Besitzer Ehre. Jene ist ein Talent, diese ein persönliches Verdienst. Friedrich Schiller — Ueber Anmuth und Würde WordCamp Hamburg 2014 was an expected […]

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Much Ado About Performance

I think I may have finally read one too many posts on “how-to-make-your-WordPress-site-faster”. It is true that the monotonous litanies, their vaguely suspect tone of link-bait, have had at least one positive side-effect on me: they’ve convinced me that nothing beats looking at your code with the umost attention, and reading whichever documentation is available. […]

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So, it looks like I’m presenting the keynote talk at WordCamp Hamburg 2014, which is both an incredible honour, and also a little scary… The scary bit is that I’ve promised to intro the talk and do the Q&A in German (the bulk will be in English). A brave promise, but what was I thinking? First of […]

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On being (or not being) a “dev”

I’ve recently heard two remarks that have puzzled me to no end. The first one was a few months ago, and the other one right after having launched this. It’s a very large and complex WordPress installation for an online media company, which intends to compete at the very top, with the very best of […]

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Edit Flow: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice пожитки.

Edit Flow is a fantastic plugin: it basically turns a standard WordPress installation into a newsroom, with complete control of the editorial workflow. As far as code quality is concerned, it is enough to say that it is prominently featured as one of the recommend plugins on’s VIP service, and that the VIP team itself contributes […]

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Oh My, DradCast! (also Martinis)

Very happy to see my WooThemes post being discussed on the DradCast (jump to 46:05, but you should watch the whole thing. “Rap battle”, and I’ll say no more), and glad to see the i18n discussion reaching the United States on a larger stage. I think Dre an Brad may have confused “.pot is mandatory” with […]

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Woo: You Too Have Woes

How do I put this? Dear WooThemes: to me, you have become one of the references on how to run a successful business, based solely on WordPress. Not only do you offer fantastic, pixel-perfect themes, but also excellent plugins, most visible of which are WooCommerce and Sensei. I’ve used your themes and plugins a few […]

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